Faculty, Administration, and Staff | College of Nursing-十大彩票网投平台
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Faculty, Administration, and Staff

Faculty members at the University of South Alabama College of Nursing blend academic excellence with broad professional experience, offering students the guidance they need to understand the principles of nursing and master its skills.

Each year, faculty members earn honors far beyond the USA campus. In the 2018-19 academic year, Dr. Leigh Minchew served as a Duke-Johnson & Johnson leadership program fellow. The previous year, Dr. Bridget Moore and Brenda Woodmansee were honored by the Alabama State Nurses Association — Moore for teaching expertise and Woodmansee for leadership in nursing practice.

The College’s academic advisors help students understand and meet curriculum requirements, while records specialists ensure that students’ paperwork is accessible when they need it to apply for employment, licensure, certification or advanced programs. Clinical affiliations specialists help match students to suitable sites for practical experience, and dedicated instructional design specialists help make online program materials accessible and easy to work with.